All posts by David White

What Are the Elements of Personal Injury?

– Helpful Guidance from a Personal Injury Attorney in Bossier City

You may have seen the commercials where well-dressed individuals are peddling their message, indicating you may be able entitled to compensation if you’ve been injured in an accident. This may be true, but it’s not as easy as going to court and being awarded money. The judicial system doesn’t answer to marketing ploys and instead, looks at the facts of the case to determine if it meets the merits of a tort claim, resulting in a need for payment of damages.

When you’ve experienced an injury, you want to know you have options to get your life back on track and your expenses covered. Don’t depend on the television or billboard’s message. Seek out the services of a qualified and experienced Bossier City personal injury attorney instead to review your claim, determine if you have a case, and guide you through the complex laws within the world of personal injury law.

How the Court System Views Personal Injury Cases
Personal injury cases can be a little tricky. You may hear the terms “gross negligence” or “negligence per se,” which means different things and don’t apply to every situation. Additionally, don’t always assumed that because you got hurt, you have a case. There are a few elements the court system looks at which an experienced lawyer can aid you in understanding, including:

  1. It Falls Under Tort Claims: A tort is an act or failure to act that causes an injury or harm to another person. The courts look at tort cases as civil liability and may assess damages generally in the form of monetary damages.
  2. It is Based on Negligence: There are instances when we have a responsibility to exercise an appropriate level of care to provide safe places, be it on our property or in our businesses. The law recognizes standards of care based on the situation. For example, a medical doctor has a different level of responsibility for care than a drunk driver.
  3. Establishing Negligence is the Responsibility of the Plaintiff: It is up to the injured party to prove three elements in a personal injury case:
    1. Duty of Care: The plaintiff must prove that the defendant owed them a duty of care arising from a legally recognized relationship between the two parties. The relationship then places a burden on the defendant to exercise a standard of care to ensure the plaintiff wasn’t harmed.
    2. Breach: Next, the plaintiff must then show that they breached their duty to the plaintiff because the defendant failed to meet the required standard of care.
    3. Causation: Finally, after proving that the defendant breached their duty, the plaintiff must prove that their injury was caused by the defendant’s failure in their duty.

Get Your Life Back with Help from Personal Injury Attorney, David L. White

Ensure you or your loved one gets the representation you deserve in your personal injury situation. David L. White has the experience you want to assess your case, thoroughly answer your questions, negotiate on your behalf, and represent you in court if needed. He and his staff understand this is a trying time. They work with you to ensure you understand the process and communicate updates. They can take the most challenging cases and get favorable results. You get your life back. It is a win-win situation. Don’t delay in contacting David L. White today.

Contact your personal injury attorney in Bossier City to discuss your situation and see if you have a case. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

Get Organized and Make Succession Easier on Your Family

– Simple Tips from a Trusted Succession Planning Attorney in Louisiana

Discussing death is not easy usually an avoidable subject for most people. In fact, most of us would rather talk politics or religion than contemplate what will happen when we die. The fact is that we’ll all pass from this earth and if we don’t have our affairs in order, our families will suffer more than we may intend. Dying doesn’t have to be an off-limits topic. Instead, you can save your family additional heartache if you have your affairs in order. Estate planning is imperative to ensure your family gets what you want them to have when you pass. In addition to your estate planning, you should include succession planning with help from an experienced Louisiana attorney. They understand the intricacies of the complex legal system and help your family when it comes to handling your affairs.

2 Suggestions to Gather Your Documents for Future Succession Proceedings

Why give your loved ones more to handle than necessary while they’re grieving? Throwing everything in a drawer and letting the kids sort it out after your death is not the recommended approach. Instead, give them the gift of organized paperwork so that they can get through the succession process quickly and easily, and mourn at their own pace. Here are two suggestions to get you started:

  1. Gather Together ALL Your Papers: This first step may seem easy, but it’s far from simple. Think about what you handled on a daily or monthly basis to pay bills. Now consider your life insurance policies. Start with these essential documents:
    • Personal: birth certificate, social security number, any employment records
    • Medical: list current health issues and medicines, insurance information, Medicare information
    • Financial: bank statements, retirement and investment account statements, sources of income and debts, assets
    • Home/Property: real estate deeds and notes, automotive loans, boat loans, automotive insurance.
  2. Pull Together the Everyday “Stuff”: The next step may not be evident because it doesn’t seem as important as your bank accounts or birth certificate. However, when you or a loved one passes, there are still bills to be sorted and paid and today’s digital age can have this information scattered even more. It’s a good idea to make sure these items are easily found:
    • Contact Information: List your most important loved ones and friends’ contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses.
    • Social Media/Digital Profiles: Write down your logins and passwords for your social media accounts and shopping sites. It’s helpful to indicate what you want to be done with your social media sites when you pass as well.
    • Medicines: Keep a list of what medications you are currently on and any allergies to prescriptions.
    • Utilities/Credit Cards: If you pay for these items online, it’s helpful to write the login information, account numbers, and other details.
    • Other Services: Do you have streaming services or cable? Any other technological-type accounts need to be written down, too.

Bonus Tip: Once you gather this information together, you will want to store it in a safe location and let your executor know where that is. Additionally, it’s vital to keep the information current. Consider reviewing or updating information on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Set Your Affairs in Order – Talk to David L. White, Your Succession Planning Attorney

Gain peace of mind to enjoy your life freely when you prioritize your estate and succession planning in Louisiana. Think of the burden you remove from your family when you pass when you give David L. White a call. He has the experience to navigate through Louisiana’s complex succession laws. With a caring and listening ear, he will assist with setting things up, so you and your family don’t have to worry when the time comes to execute the plans.

Contact your Louisiana succession planning attorney to discuss your estate needs. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

4 Reasons Why You Should Retain a Bossier City Attorney

– Prevention now Is Worth a Avoiding the Hassle Later

Starting and running a business involves taking on many risks, including legal ones. You may enter into contracts with another party and they breache them, leaving you no choice but to file a lawsuit. It could be time to take your LLC and switch it to a corporate legal structure. You may choose to buy or sell your business and need representation to ensure your interests are served. There are many reasons to hire a Bossier City attorney, but do you know why you should keep one on retainer? The right choice can aid your company in seeing success.

Why You Should Consider Keeping an Attorney on Retainer for Your Company
Your company can reap many rewards by retaining an attorney. Here are four reasons why you should think about, and act, on keeping a lawyer on retainer:

  1. You Start a New Business: Not all business types require the services of a lawyer. However, if you are considering a partnership, limited liability company (LLC), S-Corp, or corporation, then having legal input could help you begin your entrepreneurial venture on the right foot. They can navigate through the various forms and contracts and support specific legal tasks like trademarking your company name and other legal duties.
  2. You Want to Take a Pro-active Approach: Conducting business should not be a series of reactive actions. You don’t want to be scrambling with legal issues as they arise instead of developing a competitive edge by preventing legal trouble in the first place. Having an attorney on retainer empowers you and your executives to make better decisions while minimizing risk.
  3. It is an Investment in Business Success: At the outset, it’s possible that your accountant may not approve of a recurring legal bill for services you may not need. However, consider it an important investment in the future of your business. First, you prevent many courtroom battles, and second, by thwarting potential lawsuits, you save your company money from the high expenses of court costs, legal fees, settlements, and other costs.
  4. They Help Navigate through Regulations: Conducting business comes with many rules and regulations with confusing language, leaving you in trouble if you interpret them wrong. Violate a statute, and you may find your company paying hefty fines. Your attorney helps you navigate through all the legal jargon to ensure you stay current with new laws.

Keep on Track – Hire Bossier City Attorney, David L. White

Make the right move for your company. Talk with an experienced attorney like David L. White about retaining him and his team as your business’ legal counsel. Are you part of a financial institution, construction company, or landowner? He and his team have the knowledge and experience to aid you in civil and corporate litigation, including buying and selling businesses or establishing a new corporation or LLC. Contact David and his team today to assess your company’s needs.

Contact your Bossier City attorney to discuss your business needs and establish a retainer to aid your next steps towards success. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

5 Instances When You Need to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney

– Suggestions to Keep in Mind if the Unexpected Happens

Getting arrested for a criminal charge is a terrifying and emotional ordeal. Whether you or a loved one is in cuffs, you need to know how to navigate the next steps in the criminal process. In a perfect world, you would hire a criminal defense attorney immediately. That is not always possible. Generally speaking, you may not be able to secure legal counsel until you have been let out of jail while awaiting your arraignment. In short, you will want to start the process of finding a suitable lawyer for your needs as soon as possible to gain the best help in your case.

When You Should Consider Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney
Each case is different, but how quickly you hire your defense team is important. Here are five instances when you need to hire a criminal defense lawyer:

  1. Assault and Battery Charges: Many different circumstances surround assault and battery cases. They can be straightforward or very complex. Without legal counsel, you can face some serious jail time. Your attorney may offer different defenses based on the circumstances, such as self-defense, protection of property, defense of others, or voluntary consent.
  2. Drug Charges: Drug convictions carry some stiff penalties; therefore, you should seek a defense attorney’s assistance fast. They may be able to work through plea deals. It is not only drug purchasing and use that can land you into trouble. Possession of drug paraphernalia is also a chargeable offense.
  3. Fraud or Criminal Charges: These charges are considered a form of theft where money or property is obtained from another party and used illicitly for monetary gain. For example, using a debit/credit card that is not yours, forgery, wire fraud, and insurance fraud.
  4. Alcohol Crimes: Besides driving under the influence (DUI), being intoxicated in public, having an open container of alcohol, or being a minor in possession of alcohol are considered crimes. DUIs, in particular, can be the most grievous. Some people may even lose their livelihood, such as a professional license, if found guilty of a DUI.
  5. Theft Charges: Taking someone else’s property to deprive them of it without their approval is theft. There are different degrees of charges depending on what was stolen and how much it was worth. You may have heard of the two main categories: petty and grand. In either case, you need a good defense attorney.

Call David L. White to Defend You and Protect Your Rights

Don’t jeopardize your future or that of your loved ones. Obtain the proper representation from a qualified criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Trust David L. White to help you in the event you find yourself on the wrong side of the law. He has the expertise and a high success rate. No case is too challenging. Call us as soon as possible to get the representation you deserve.

Contact your criminal defense attorney in Shreveport, Louisiana, as soon as possible to discuss your case and discover your options. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

How Does a Succession Work in Louisiana?

– Learn the Basics from an Experienced Succession Attorney

When a loved one dies, the heirs handle the process of administering the deceased’s estate. This procedure is called succession in Louisiana. Many other states use the term “probate,” but the idea is the same. Unless you’re familiar with the laws in Louisiana, you may not have a clue what to do when there’s a death in the family. Choosing an experienced succession attorney in Louisiana is the first step to ensuring things are handled appropriately. They will help guide you through the different requirements based on the category of succession of the estate.

2 Categories of Succession You May Encounter
There are two categories your loved one’s estate falls into – administered and unadministered. The difference is based on the complexity of the estate. Here is a simple breakdown to give you a high-level view of the process:

  1. Administered: This is the most complex of the two categories of succession. The court appoints the executor as the estate’s representative. They’re tasked with settling outstanding issues and fully administering the estate once all problems are resolved. As soon as problems are taken care of, the executor prepares a Tableau of Distribution and presents it to the court. Once approved, the estate’s assets may be distributed.

    You may be facing an administered succession if the following circumstances exist:

    • Questions about a Will’s validity
    • Unclear list of heirs or ones that cannot be located
    • Confusion as to which heir is entitled to what property
    • An insolvent estate where assets must be sold to cover debts
    • Issues with a forced heir receiving entitled assets
    • Significant disputes
  2. Unadministered: You’ll find that an unadministered succession is the most common form. Sometimes it’s referred to as a “Simple Putting in Possession Succession.” It doesn’t require an executor to settle the estate. Under this category are two sub-types of succession:
    • Testate: This option is only used when the estate has a Will, and all the following conditions are met:
      • All heirs named in the Will are competent. If incompetent, they must be represented by a competent party.
      • The succession must be accepted by the heirs unconditionally.
      • No creditors have requested the court to administrate the estate.
    • Intestate: If no Will is governing the estate, then it is considered an intestate succession and must meet the following requirements:
      • There must be very little or no debt. In other words, the value of the assets held by the estate is much larger than the debts they will pay off.
      • All involved parties agree to an unadministered succession.

    Distribute Assets Suitably with a Succession Attorney in Louisiana

    Have peace of mind in knowing that you’re handling your deceased loved one’s estate correctly when you hire the established succession attorney, David L. White. He has the experience you need to navigate the Louisiana legal system. Contact him and his team today to assess the estate’s needs and know that things will be handled professionally and thoroughly.

    Contact your Louisiana succession attorney to discuss your needs and establish your next steps. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

4 Useful Tips for Dividing Property Equitably in Your Divorce

– Handy Information from an Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Shreveport, Louisiana

A common question asked by those starting divorce proceedings is, “How can I keep more of my stuff?” Both parties feel the pain that comes with taking years of togetherness and trying to divide assets equitably. In some cases, one spouse feels they are entitled to more than what the law states. This may lead the spouse to consider hiding assets. Instead of working against the system, start your proceedings by hiring a knowledgeable and experienced Shreveport divorce lawyer. They will ensure you understand Louisiana’s family law and aid you in getting a fair settlement of marital assets.

4 Suggestions to Help You Keep More of Your Assets
There’s a chance for you to keep more when you play by the rules. Here are four suggestions you should consider:

  1. Disclose all your assets…all of them. The first step you should take is to be upfront and honest about all the assets you own. You may think hiding them or ‘giving’ them to a friend is a good idea and will ensure you keep more in the end. The repercussions are huge if you’re caught. First, you may be charged penalties for contempt of court. Second, you could lose half or the entire amount of the asset and pay additional fees when it’s discovered. Finally, hiding assets makes you look bad in the eyes of the court. Be honest and the courts will consider your arguments.
  2. Disclose all your debts. A lot of assets come with even higher price tags. That 401k you’ve contributed to for 20 years is not worth the $400,000 you put in if you had to take out a $100,000 loan to pay bills. The judge may rule that the value is $400,000, award your spouse $200,000, and leave you with a net worth of $100,000. A similar scenario could happen if you own a small business. It could be over-valued by not disclosing all the company’s debts, leaving you with fewer assets.
  3. Keep thorough records. Money that comes into the marriage during its course may be considered jointly held. For instance, if you received an inheritance from your parents, you may be able to protect it if you can prove that you were the original intended recipient. Other items may be easier to prove, such as cars and furnishings. Keeping records is a good habit to have in place, no matter if you are going through a divorce or not.
  4. Be willing to negotiate. You may not get to keep everything you would like, but by negotiating, you may be able to keep more of what you really want. An experienced divorce lawyer can aid you in discerning what is negotiable and what isn’t.

Choose David L. White to Ensure Your Assets Are Protected

Keep more of your hard-earned assets when you work with your divorce lawyer in Shreveport, David L. White. He has the experience to walk you through this emotionally exhausting process. He and his team will look out for your best interests so that you can move forward with confidence.

Contact your divorce lawyer in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss your case and discover your options. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

What to Do When a Revocable Trust Grantor Dies

– Helpful Guidance from Shreveport’s Experienced Estate Planning Attorney

Revocable trusts can help protect an individual’s assets during their lifetime. It can also make things much smoother to distribute those assets once the grantor dies. While utilizing a revocable trust can be a powerful tool in estate planning, understanding how to manage it after a settler or grantor’s death is extremely important. Using the services of an estate planning attorney near Shreveport will make things much easier for you.

5 Steps for Handling a Revocable Trust after the Death of the Grantor

After a grantor or settlor passes away, all assets held within the trust become its property. If you have been named as a co-trustee or successor trustee, you will take over control of the trust and handle the distribution of the assets. Here are steps to get you started in completing its terms:

  1. Gather All Trust Documents: Now is the time to gather all the trust records, including any amendments and restatements. Take time to read through the trust terms and learn who the beneficiaries are. Gather all brokerage and bank statements and insurance policies. You’ll need to know the value of each account at the time of death.
  2. Obtain a Tax Identification Number: You will need to open a bank account for the trust, which will require a tax ID number from the Internal Revenue Service. You can obtain one by requesting it online at Take the life insurance policies, cash them in, and put the proceeds into the checking account. This also goes for investment accounts.
  3. Look at Held Real Estate: If the grantor held real estate, you would need to transfer the property out of the trust and over to the beneficiary. The Trustee’s Deed will then need to be recorded in the appropriate government office. If there is no named beneficiary, you will need to sell the real estate and place the proceeds into the trust’s bank account.
  4. Distribute the Assets: Once all assets have been liquidated, you will then need to distribute them as set out in the terms of the trust. You’ll want to get receipts from the beneficiaries for record keeping, as they receive their shares.
  5. File the Tax Return: Be sure to keep careful records as you will need to file the proper tax returns.

Ensure Trusts Are Handled Properly with Help from David L. White

Don’t leave anything to chance with your responsibilities as a successor trustee. Depend on the services of a qualified estate planning attorney like David L. White. He and his team will work with you to ensure you take the necessary steps to liquidate the trust and distribute the assets. They can also assist with probate, succession, simple and complex wills, and powers of attorney. He has extensive knowledge of the Louisiana court system and will assist you in navigating through the process. Proceed with confidence with his help.

Contact your estate planning attorney in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss your needs and establish your next steps. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

My Spouse Emptied Our Bank Accounts During Our Divorce – Now What?

– Helpful Information from Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Bossier City, Louisiana

Many have heard divorce horror stories. A husband comes home from work to find his wife has taken everything and emptied their joint accounts. Maybe a wife who learns her husband filed for divorce a week after he took their $10,000 savings account to $0. Marriage breakups are complicated and can become acrimonious quickly when one party thinks they can take everything. Utilizing the services of a qualified divorce lawyer in Bossier City, Louisiana, can help mitigate the effects of a wayward ex-spouse.

Depend on a team determined to help you navigate the divorce proceedings and ensure your marital assets’ distribution is fair. Look to David L. White for guidance and assistance before you head to court. He will sit with you and explain your rights and the process so that you can make the best decisions for your situation. When you need a divorce lawyer that will advocate for you, look to David and his team.

How Louisiana Views Marital Assets, Including Your Money

Community property states view all assets acquired during your marriage as being equally owned. Therefore, the courts will require a 50-50 split of all marital assets, including all bank accounts. Any money and assets held before the marriage are generally not included in joint assets; however, if any have been co-mingled, they are fair game for the courts to split between the divorcing parties.

Here are a few exceptions to the general rule of community property assets:

  • Inheritances
  • Gifts received during the marriage
  • Money judgments awarded for personal injury claims

What Happens When Your Soon-to-be-Ex Drains Your Bank Accounts

Divorces can get nasty fast when one party takes advantage of another party. If your soon-to-be-ex drained your checking and savings accounts, they could be in for a rude awakening from the courts. Hiding assets is frowned upon by the Louisiana judicial system. Here are three possible scenarios they could face during divorce proceedings:

  1. The spouse could be ordered to return it. It doesn’t matter if the funds have been spent. For example, the $5,000 a spouse pulled out of a savings account for their new apartment may have to be returned.
  2. The court could order sanctions against the offender. These can include requiring the spouse to pay fines or the attorney fees of the other party.
  3. There could be penalties. The person withdrawing the funds may be penalized by adjusting how the marital property is divided to compensate the other party.

Choose David L. White to Lock-in Your Rights during Your Divorce

Protect your children and your rights when you hire David L. White as your Bossier city divorce lawyer. He can help make the settlement process as painless as possible. He can assist with marital property distribution and issues of child support, visitation, child custody, and spousal support. Trust that he looks out for your best interests and be your advocate. Please don’t go into the courtroom without his help!

Contact your divorce lawyer in Bossier City, Louisiana, to discuss your case and discover your options. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

Mom Fell at the Nursing Home. Do I Have a Personal Injury Claim?

– Guidance from a Knowledgeable Bossier City Personal Injury Attorney

Many of us rely on nursing homes or assisted living facilities to care for our aging parents. These facilities provide healthcare, food, and general living support when our loved ones can no longer live on their own. The responsibility is great, mainly because of the trust we give them. We want to believe that an injury may never happen, but it sometimes does. If your senior has suffered an injury while staying in a nursing home, when is it time to contact your Bossier City personal injury attorney?

Protect your loved ones while ensuring their rights by contacting David L. White to step in and assist you. He has a long track record of getting his clients the maximum compensation with his extensive experience as a personal injury attorney. You can trust him to advise you on your best course of action.

9 Signs of Possible Nursing Home Negligence
It can be challenging to determine if your loved one has suffered abuse by nursing home staff. Additionally, it may seem unbelievable that the people you trust to care for your elderly parent would abuse them. Here are some common signs of nursing home neglect:

  1. Bruising
  2. Broken bones
  3. Bedsores
  4. Malnutrition
  5. Dehydration
  6. Weight loss
  7. Poor appearance of hygiene
  8. Mood changes and depression
  9. Difficulty finding staff to speak with

COVID-19 has made it much more difficult to visit your loved one in the nursing home which can compound the problem. We encourage you to remain in regular contact with them. If you notice mood changes, or your mom seems fearful, depressed, or lethargic, take action immediately and speak with someone in charge.

How to Know if You Have a Valid Negligence Case

Any negligence claim requires proof of four main things:

  • Duty: The nursing home owes your loved one a legal obligation to care for them reasonably and appropriately.
  • Breach of Duty: Once it’s established that a nursing home had a responsibility to your senior when they failed to provide reasonable care, they breach that duty.
  • Cause: The next step is that by breaching their duty to your family member, they caused the injuries sustained by your mom or dad.
  • Damages: Finally, the injuries caused damage.

Some examples of potential nursing home negligence include physical and emotional abuse, or failure to respond to your parent’s request for assistance in a timely manner.

Contact David L. White to Assess Your Personal Injury Claim Properly

Choose a personal injury attorney that gets things done. David L. White and his staff work tirelessly to ensure your claim is appropriately addressed. No one wants their loved one’s life turned upside down because of negligence. We are here to help you get the results you and your elderly loved one deserve!

Contact your personal injury attorney in Bossier City, Louisiana, to discuss your situation and discover your options. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

5 Common Questions about Succession in Louisiana

– Helpful Guidance from an Experienced Succession Attorney in Shreveport

Many of us understand that having a will in place is a smart move. It assures you and your heirs that your final wishes will be carried out. Before they can receive your best chinaware or your home in Louisiana, your estate must go through a process called succession. Understanding what that means and how it applies to you can give you and your family the confidence you need when it’s time to go through it.

Choose to work with a succession attorney in Shreveport with the experience and knowledge to help you navigate the confusing laws. David L. White is very knowledgeable about how the process works and strives to ensure your family is properly cared for in your succession plan. You can feel confident that his guidance can assist you and your family in avoiding a bitter battle.

5 Most Common Questions about Succession Law in Louisiana
Some estates are pretty cut and dry. There are the ones with few items to handle and even fewer heirs to whom your estate gets distributed. Then there are others that can put a family to the test. In either case, you need to know some of the basics of succession rules in Louisiana. Here are answers to five common questions:

  1. What is succession? It’s a process used to distribute a deceased person’s assets and settle any financial obligations. The process is also used to transfer an estate to the respective successors by determining the successors’ identity and transferring ownership to them.
  2. How long does it take to complete a succession? The simple answer is, “it depends”. There are quite a few factors that weigh into the final cost, such as the estate’s complexity and how long it takes to gather all the required information. Generally, you can expect the process to be completed in two to six months; however, it’s not uncommon for some to remain open for years.
  3. I have a will. Does my family still have to go through the succession process? Yes. A will helps override Louisiana’s intestacy laws to show who inherits your assets. It’s not used to transfer your estate to your heirs. That’s what a succession will do.
  4. How much does it cost to do a succession? Keep in mind that the total cost will include attorney fees, court filing fees, real estate fees, accounting fees, and any fees for your estate’s executor. Each case is different, so speaking with your Shreveport succession attorney is the first step.
  5. Can I plan a succession without an attorney? Technically you could, but it’s not advised. Hiring a lawyer familiar with Louisiana’s estate and succession laws can help you navigate all the nuances of estate laws and avoid leaving out potential forced heirs that may cause headaches later.

Hire David L. White to Establish a Proper Succession of Your Estate

No one wants their family battling over possessions or worrying that the courts will not abide by your wishes. Avoid the added frustration during a sad time by hiring David L. White as your succession attorney. We stand ready to help you secure the future of your loved ones when you call us today!

Contact your succession attorney in Shreveport, Louisiana, to discuss your situation and discover your options. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.