My Spouse Emptied Our Bank Accounts During Our Divorce – Now What?

– Helpful Information from Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Bossier City, Louisiana

Many have heard divorce horror stories. A husband comes home from work to find his wife has taken everything and emptied their joint accounts. Maybe a wife who learns her husband filed for divorce a week after he took their $10,000 savings account to $0. Marriage breakups are complicated and can become acrimonious quickly when one party thinks they can take everything. Utilizing the services of a qualified divorce lawyer in Bossier City, Louisiana, can help mitigate the effects of a wayward ex-spouse.

Depend on a team determined to help you navigate the divorce proceedings and ensure your marital assets’ distribution is fair. Look to David L. White for guidance and assistance before you head to court. He will sit with you and explain your rights and the process so that you can make the best decisions for your situation. When you need a divorce lawyer that will advocate for you, look to David and his team.

How Louisiana Views Marital Assets, Including Your Money

Community property states view all assets acquired during your marriage as being equally owned. Therefore, the courts will require a 50-50 split of all marital assets, including all bank accounts. Any money and assets held before the marriage are generally not included in joint assets; however, if any have been co-mingled, they are fair game for the courts to split between the divorcing parties.

Here are a few exceptions to the general rule of community property assets:

  • Inheritances
  • Gifts received during the marriage
  • Money judgments awarded for personal injury claims

What Happens When Your Soon-to-be-Ex Drains Your Bank Accounts

Divorces can get nasty fast when one party takes advantage of another party. If your soon-to-be-ex drained your checking and savings accounts, they could be in for a rude awakening from the courts. Hiding assets is frowned upon by the Louisiana judicial system. Here are three possible scenarios they could face during divorce proceedings:

  1. The spouse could be ordered to return it. It doesn’t matter if the funds have been spent. For example, the $5,000 a spouse pulled out of a savings account for their new apartment may have to be returned.
  2. The court could order sanctions against the offender. These can include requiring the spouse to pay fines or the attorney fees of the other party.
  3. There could be penalties. The person withdrawing the funds may be penalized by adjusting how the marital property is divided to compensate the other party.

Choose David L. White to Lock-in Your Rights during Your Divorce

Protect your children and your rights when you hire David L. White as your Bossier city divorce lawyer. He can help make the settlement process as painless as possible. He can assist with marital property distribution and issues of child support, visitation, child custody, and spousal support. Trust that he looks out for your best interests and be your advocate. Please don’t go into the courtroom without his help!

Contact your divorce lawyer in Bossier City, Louisiana, to discuss your case and discover your options. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.