4 Reasons Why You Should Retain a Bossier City Attorney

– Prevention now Is Worth a Avoiding the Hassle Later

Starting and running a business involves taking on many risks, including legal ones. You may enter into contracts with another party and they breache them, leaving you no choice but to file a lawsuit. It could be time to take your LLC and switch it to a corporate legal structure. You may choose to buy or sell your business and need representation to ensure your interests are served. There are many reasons to hire a Bossier City attorney, but do you know why you should keep one on retainer? The right choice can aid your company in seeing success.

Why You Should Consider Keeping an Attorney on Retainer for Your Company
Your company can reap many rewards by retaining an attorney. Here are four reasons why you should think about, and act, on keeping a lawyer on retainer:

  1. You Start a New Business: Not all business types require the services of a lawyer. However, if you are considering a partnership, limited liability company (LLC), S-Corp, or corporation, then having legal input could help you begin your entrepreneurial venture on the right foot. They can navigate through the various forms and contracts and support specific legal tasks like trademarking your company name and other legal duties.
  2. You Want to Take a Pro-active Approach: Conducting business should not be a series of reactive actions. You don’t want to be scrambling with legal issues as they arise instead of developing a competitive edge by preventing legal trouble in the first place. Having an attorney on retainer empowers you and your executives to make better decisions while minimizing risk.
  3. It is an Investment in Business Success: At the outset, it’s possible that your accountant may not approve of a recurring legal bill for services you may not need. However, consider it an important investment in the future of your business. First, you prevent many courtroom battles, and second, by thwarting potential lawsuits, you save your company money from the high expenses of court costs, legal fees, settlements, and other costs.
  4. They Help Navigate through Regulations: Conducting business comes with many rules and regulations with confusing language, leaving you in trouble if you interpret them wrong. Violate a statute, and you may find your company paying hefty fines. Your attorney helps you navigate through all the legal jargon to ensure you stay current with new laws.

Keep on Track – Hire Bossier City Attorney, David L. White

Make the right move for your company. Talk with an experienced attorney like David L. White about retaining him and his team as your business’ legal counsel. Are you part of a financial institution, construction company, or landowner? He and his team have the knowledge and experience to aid you in civil and corporate litigation, including buying and selling businesses or establishing a new corporation or LLC. Contact David and his team today to assess your company’s needs.

Contact your Bossier City attorney to discuss your business needs and establish a retainer to aid your next steps towards success. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.