All posts by David White

What Are the Steps in a Personal Injury Claim?

– General Guidance from Bossier City’s Leading Personal Injury Lawyer

Watch television for any length of time and you will see a commercial from a well-dressed lawyer talking about personal injuries. When a large case is won, the news may showcase the millions of dollars the Plaintiff gained. You may wonder what really happens in those cases. Do people get that much money in compensation? Is it really that simple?

Personal injury is nothing to sneeze at. People who have been hurt in an accident may face years of pain and recovery. However, the process is not as simple as filing a claim one day and going to court in a month. In fact, quite often, these cases are settled out of court. It is imperative that you seek the services of a personal injury attorney like David L. White if you have been injured. He will fight hard to get you a fair settlement so that you can get back to living your life.

8 Steps in a Typical Personal Injury Case
We hope you are never involved in an accident. The effects can be devastating and long lasting. If you are injured, here are the general steps in a typical personal injury case:

  1. You should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Before a claim is filed, it is imperative that you seek treatment for injuries. Even if you think you are fine, it pays to visit your doctor to ensure things are okay. Failing to visit a doctor may hamper your case later.
  2. Consult with a personal injury attorney. It’s a good idea to discuss your situation, the events of the injury, and what has happened since your accident. Your lawyer can discuss your options and help you determine your next steps.
  3. Your medical records and police reports will be reviewed. Now begins the investigation portion. Your personal injury attorney will interview you, pull your files and related bills, and police reports.
  4. Your attorney considers making a demand for compensation and starts negotiating. When you reach the point of maximum medical improvement (MMI), your attorney will reach out to the other party or their attorney with a demand for compensation. They should wait until you reach MMI to have a better idea of how much your case may be worth, so you are not shortchanged with your healing and treatment process.
  5. A personal injury lawsuit is filed. If your case cannot be settled with the demand package, then you and your attorney may opt to file a lawsuit in the Louisiana courts. This does not mean you will go to trial right away, but the countdown has begun.
  6. The discovery phase begins. Once a lawsuit has been filed, both parties will start the process of discovering what happened. There will be many questions and document requests from both sides. Witnesses may be called in for depositions.
  7. Mediation and negotiation may happen. Now that each party has had an opportunity to gather facts, the lawyers will talk about settling. It may be necessary to go to a neutral third-party mediator to resolve the case.
  8. If all else fails, a trial will be held. When negotiations break down, the parties will then go before the court for resolution. Keep in mind that it is possible to have your date rescheduled several times, but that doesn’t mean things are not favorable for you. It is often changed because of a conflict in schedules.

Protect Yourself after a Personal Injury – Contact David L. White
Get the help you need after an accident when you call the team at David L. White. We work with you to get the best results for your case and ensure you and your family get what you deserve to continue healing and make a strong recovery.

Contact your personal injury attorney in Bossier City to find out more. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

Can My Spouse and I Write Our Own Wills? (And Other Common Questions)

– Helpful Suggestions from an Experienced Bossier City Estate Attorney

It’s a scene straight out of the movies – a rich man dies under mysterious circumstances and leaves his entire estate to his very young and beautiful second wife. You know what happens next. Strife occurs as the man’s children contest his will. They question the distribution of assets, especially since his wife is the same age as his daughter. Eventually, all is revealed, the plot to take over the family business, the lies, the cheating, and in the end, the truth prevails. Not everyone can anticipate this same scenario in their life, but that doesn’t mean you should be lax and not have a valid will in place before you die.

Ensure you have your estate adequately prepared for your passing when you seek out the services of a Bossier City, Louisiana estate attorney like David. L. White. David and his team can establish if you have any forced heirs, explain how community property works when you die, and guide you through the Bayou state’s probate laws. Don’t leave anything to chance when writing out your will.

3 Common Questions about Wills
Writing a will can sometimes occur under strange circumstances. Our imaginations can go wild. For example, we imagine the scraps of a barroom napkin with the scrawl of an inebriated rich guy leaving his vast fortune to the bartender. The reality is this: certain conditions can hamper your final wishes.

Here are three common questions when it comes to writing your will:

  1. Can I handwrite my will? It is possible to write out your will, but keep in mind that it has to be written, dated, and signed by you. No one else can write it for you. It is critical that you understand that there are many estate laws in place that may render your handwritten, also called a holographic will, void. An estate attorney is your best help in these matters.
  2. Should my spouse and I have separate wills? In short, yes. By keeping things separate, it helps when addressing the subject of any former spouses and children from previous relationships. Remember, you and your spouse probably will not die at the same time, and you may have separate property that will need to be addressed.
  3. What if I die without a will? What happens next? The court will step in to decide who gets what and how your estate should be divided. You may have wanted your vacation house to go to your son, but the court has the final say if you don’t have a valid will.

Plan Your Will Now – Talk to the Experienced Estate Attorney, David L. White
Don’t leave the future of your estate to the whims of the court system or the threat of a divided family after your death. Take the necessary steps to have your will prepared by an experienced estate attorney. David L. White can help you alleviate the long drawn out battle that can ensue if you don’t have a will in place. We help you ensure your family gets the inheritance you intended. Give us a call today!

Contact your estate attorney in Bossier City to find out more about wills and succession in Louisiana. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

6 Situations When You Need to Hire a Lawyer

– Tips from Your Experienced Bossier City Law Firm

You don’t need to hire an attorney for every major event that occurs in your life. However, there are times when it makes sense to find someone to step in and protect your best interests. For example, if you are going through a nasty divorce, you need capable, sound counsel on your side. You might also need a lawyer if someone slips and falls on your property, resulting in an injury.

Knowing when to talk with a legal professional and when you might be okay without one can be a thin line. Speaking with a knowledgeable attorney, like David L. White, can mean the difference between having your rights protected and being sued or sent to jail. Our law firm in Bossier City works with clients throughout Louisiana to get them the representation they deserve.

You Should Hire an Attorney When…
If you are headed to a small claims court, having a lawyer is not always necessary. However, there are certain instances when you should consider hiring legal representation:

  1. You are getting a divorce and/or need help with custody issues. If you and your spouse can mutually agree on everything, that’s fantastic! However, that is not always the case. Many couples may have property, investments, savings, debt, and child custody issues to address. Your lawyer can assist in assuring things get handled as they should be in this community property state.
  2. You want to draw up a will, trust, or power of attorney. Louisiana’s estate laws are complex. A poorly constructed will may leave out those you wanted to protect. The state also has forced heirship laws that can quickly cause problems when not handled correctly.
  3. You are arrested on criminal charges. You don’t want to stand before a judge over criminal charges without having strong representation. You need someone to analyze the charges and help you navigate the complex process, whether it is through a plea bargain or a court trial.
  4. You want to start a new business. It is not difficult to start a business. However, it would be best if you worked with a lawyer to ensure your enterprise is established correctly according to Louisiana law. Your Bossier law firm can also help with assessing contracts before you sign on the dotted line to avoid the risk of financial ruin.
  5. You have been injured in a motor vehicle accident. Before you talk with an insurance adjuster, reach out to your personal injury attorney. The insurance companies will work hard to protect their interests, and so should you.
  6. You need to set up an interdiction to protect a loved one. It is hard to watch a loved one succumb to a disease like dementia. When the time comes, you need the assistance of a caring and knowledgeable attorney to navigate this delicate and complex area of law.

Gain the Right Representation from Bossier City’s Trusted Law Firm

Don’t leave yourself to the mercy of the court or defenseless from another party against you. David L. White and his team will work with you to ensure your rights are protected. We take time to educate you on your rights and explain all your options. Don’t wait! Talk to us the moment you think you might need legal representation.

Contact our Bossier City law firm for your specific case. Give us a call at 318-747-7023 to make an appointment today.

4 Tips for Coping with the Holidays after Your Divorce

– Help from a Compassionate Divorce Lawyer in Bossier City, Louisiana

With the holiday season pressing in, some people will unfortunately, feel more lonely and sad than festive and cheerful. Facing your first Thanksgiving, Christmas or Hanukkah alone after your divorce can be depressing. If you have children, it can be devastating to think you will not be able to watch them open their gifts on Christmas morning. You can rebuild and learn to enjoy the holiday season even after your divorce.

Choose to take proactive steps to enjoy and make the most of this special time of year for you, your kids, and your ex-spouse. The staff at David L. White’s office understands the difficult time you may be going through. We are here to assist you in ensuring your parental rights are considered, especially during the holidays.

4 Suggestions to Handle the Holidays after Your Divorce
You may have a freshly-inked divorce decree that sets out who gets the children when, but that does not alleviate the pain and emotions you may face through this particular time of year. Even if you do not have children to share the festivities with an ex, it can still be tough when it is your first Thanksgiving or Christmas after your divorce. Here are a few suggestions to help you:

  1. Give yourself a break. The holidays are already a hectic time of year. When you add celebrating as a single or as a divorcee shuffling kids to your ex’s, it can be downright overwhelming! Have a little patience with yourself, as well as everyone else, while you navigate through this new stage in your life.
  2. Plan ahead if you have children. Making holiday plans at the 11th hour will only wreak havoc on everyone’s nerves. Instead, reach out to your ex and decide early how the holidays will work. Remember to look at your decree for guidance, and reach out to your divorce lawyer if you have questions.
  3. Make new traditions. It may not be possible to have your regular Christmas morning breakfast if the kids are at your ex-spouse’s house. Maybe shift the focus to Christmas Eve if that is when you have your kids. The goal is to enjoy the festivities, even if they come in a slightly different format.
  4. Take it one holiday at a time. Many of us lump the season together into one big blur. There will be many emotions pulsing through you at this time. Avoid trying to overthink things. Be in the moment and take each one as it comes.

Handle the Holidays with Help from Your Divorce Lawyer in Bossier City, Louisiana
Prepare for the holiday season by taking proactive steps to be patient with yourself, planning with your ex, and taking it one day at a time. If you are struggling to get your children’s other parent to cooperate with the terms of your divorce, call on David L. White. We understand your parental and visitation rights. We assist you in fighting for your rights and obtaining the desired results with minimal effect on your children. Call us and find out how we may be able to help you during this holiday season.

Contact your divorce lawyer in Bossier City to find out more about your visitation and spousal rights. Give us a call at 318-747-7023.

How Can I Get My Record Expunged in Louisiana

– Guidance from an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Bossier City

Certain criminal records may be erased or sealed, also known as expunged. When this happens, your file will be hidden from the public, leaving it visible only to law enforcement agencies and some professional licensing boards.

Not every case is eligible for expungement, but when it is possible, your criminal defense attorney is ready to help. David L. White is a Bossier City lawyer with the experience and knowledge to ask the tough questions and defend your rights. Rest assured, he will fight for you as needed and get you the justice you deserve.

Expungement When You Have Not Been Convicted of a Crime
Being arrested for a misdemeanor or felony, but not convicted, may mean you can have your record expunged if the following apply:

  • The district attorney chose not to prosecute you
  • Charges were not brought against you during the statute of limitations, nor were proceedings initiated
  • Any charges against you have been dismissed
  • The court granted your attorney’s motion to quash the charges against you
  • You were acquitted of all charges

Expungement When You Have Been Convicted of a Crime
Just because you have been convicted of a crime, it does not mean your record can never be expunged. Here are a few ways it might be possible:

  • Misdemeanors: If it has been at least five years since your sentence ended, deferred adjudication, probation, or parole, then you can file a petition for expungement. A requirement is that you have had no felony convictions during the same five-year waiting period. There can also not be any felony charged against you.
  • Felonies: There are a couple of ways your felony offense may be expunged. If your conviction was set aside and prosecution was dismissed, or it has been more than ten years since you finished all the terms of your sentence. Also, you cannot have any other convictions during the same period.

Having your records expunged can be quite a relief, but keep in mind that certain felonies do not qualify for expungement. They include violent crimes, sex offenses, domestic abuse battery, and specific drug offenses. Your criminal defense attorney can explain the full list of ineligible crimes.

Discover Your Options for Expungement – Bossier City Criminal Defense Attorney Steps In

Get rid of the stigma of a prior legal mistake and get your life back when you call upon the assistance of your criminal defense lawyer, David L. White. We understand that your life was turned upside down but you want to make things right by contributing to your community productively. We assist you in fighting for your rights and obtaining the appropriate expungement. Don’t delay. Call us and find out how we may be able to help you.

Contact your Bossier City personal injury lawyer to find out more about options for your claim. Call us today at 318-747-7023.

What Is Personal Injury? When Do I Need an Attorney?

– Assistance from an Experienced Bossier City Lawyer

Diana was riding her bike down the street when a car ran a stop sign and pulled out in front of her. She tried to stop and pulled on the brakes hard but not before her tire hit the automobile, causing her to fly over it and land on the pavement. She suffered a broken arm and severe bruising over most of her body. Diana had several medical bills and missed work. She wondered if it was worth contacting an attorney since the driver’s insurance contacted her about settling a claim. If you were in Diana’s shoes, what would you do?

Before you sign a settlement, talk with a personal injury attorney. Many factors play into these types of cases, and you may not get all the money you deserve. The Bossier City law office of David L. White understands the parameters of this complicated area of law. You can trust him to do what is best for you and your case.

Personal Injury Basics

Sometimes people use the term personal injury interchangeably with bodily harm. In legal terms, they are not the same. Here are the basics of personal injury:

  • Definition: Personal injury is a claim that a person was injured by another. Examples include cuts, bruises, broken limbs, or death. There is generally negligence involved by the one who caused the injury. It does not include a claim for damage done to property.
  • Claims are taken to civil, not criminal, court: If a person or business is found to be legally responsible for your injury, the remedy is payment of damages. Criminal cases involve imprisonment, fines, and community service if convicted in a criminal court.
  • Personal injury can come from different sources: We often think of a car accident, but this type of claim can stem for other areas too. For example, if you are injured from a defective product, you may be able to file a claim. Another example applies if someone’s intentional conduct causes injuries. The most common ones include:
    • Pedestrian accidents
    • Defective products
    • Medical malpractice
    • Slips and falls
    • Dog bite due to owner’s negligence
  • Statute of limitations apply: The moment an injury occurs, the legal clock starts ticking. You may have limited time to file a claim, so it is a good idea to reach out to a personal injury lawyer as quickly as you can. This will help ensure you get timely legal counsel and see that your rights are preserved.

Hire an Established Personal Injury Lawyer in Bossier City

Stop before you sign an insurance settlement after your accident. Instead, call the personal injury attorney that has a long track record of getting his clients the maximum compensation available. Hire the services of David L. White. We understand that your life turned upside down in one fell swoop. We can help with all aspects of your claim including medical bills and property damage. Call us today and let us help you get your life back.

Contact your Bossier City personal injury lawyer to find out more about options for your claim. Call us today at 318-747-7023.

If I Die Without a Will in Louisiana, Who Inherits My Property?

– Handy Outline of Succession from an Estate Planning Attorney in Shreveport

Many of us have heard the horror stories of heirs fighting for their share of a family’s estate. It is especially disheartening to learn of the greed and deceptive lengths some people will stoop to for a bigger slice of the pie. Stories like these are portrayed in Hollywood films, but the fact remains, if you die without a will in place, you may have inadvertently put family harmony at risk.

Implement a correctly executed will to save your family some heartache during an already stressful time. Enlist the services of an estate planning attorney in Shreveport like David L. White. He and his team can ensure your wishes leave no room for doubt after you pass. He will guide you through the process now to avoid legal and financial issues later.

How the Line of Intestate Succession Works

You may assume that your spouse gets everything before your children. That is not the case in Louisiana because there are certain caveats. Here is a general overview of who gets what if you die without a will (i.e., intestate):

  • Children – no spouse: Your children will get everything from your estate and divide it amongst themselves.
  • Spouse – no children, parents, or siblings: This is the only time your spouse receives everything.
  • Parents – no children, spouse, or siblings: Mom and Dad will inherit all of your estate.
  • Siblings – no children, spouse, or parents: Your brothers and sisters will divide your belongings and property.
  • Spouse and children: It starts getting interesting when your spouse survives, and there are children. Your kids inherit your share of community property plus any separate property. However, spouse will have the right to use your share of any community property during their lifetime.
  • Spouse and parents, no children: Your spouse will receive all of the community property, while your parents will get any separate property.
  • Spouse and siblings, no parents: Similarly, your husband or wife will inherit your interest in community property, and your brothers and sisters will get separate property.
  • Siblings and parents, no spouse or children: In this instance, your brothers and sisters inherit everything subject to your parents’ right to use your property during their lifetime.

As you can see, there are many different avenues your estate can follow based on who your heirs are. Additionally, since Louisiana is a community property state, the law differentiates between the community and separate property. Don’t overlook forced heirs either.

Work with an Experienced Succession Attorney in Shreveport

Avoid putting your wishes in jeopardy, and give your family the gift of peace of mind, knowing clearly who gets what when you die. Hire the services of Shreveport’s established estate planning attorney David L. White. He understands Louisiana’s intricate laws and assists you in establishing a plan now. You can depend on his years of experience and knowledge to ensure your descendants get what you want them to have.

Contact your Shreveport estate planning attorney to find out more about creating your last will and

What Is a Succession Plan and When Do I Need One?

– Helpful Insights from a Succession Attorney in Shreveport

Many people often hear the term “probate” when a loved one dies, which is the process of transferring ownership to the appropriate heirs. In Louisiana, we call probate a “Succession.” Essentially, it is the same thing as probate and comprehending the complexities that go along with it can be frustrating and confusing.

Contrary to what some may tell you, even if mom or dad died with a Last Will and Testament in place, their estate is still subject to Succession proceedings. When dealing with the intricacies of the estate laws, seek the help of a Shreveport succession attorney who understands your needs and the court’s requirements. David L. White has decades of experience serving Louisiana’s citizens with their probate needs.

Understanding the Succession Process

The decision to make a will or not, is a personal one. There are many advantages to having one. Either way, it does not matter whether a Last Will and Testament was created when a loved one dies, because there are several items that must be handled through Succession proceedings, such as:

  • Determine If You Can Use a Small Succession Affidavit Procedure – Your Succession lawyer can assist with this step. If the decedent dies and the following apply:
    • their gross estate is less than $75,000; and
    • they died while domiciled in Louisiana; and
    • they did not have a will.

    Keep in mind that not all third parties may honor the affidavit; for example, a brokerage firm may not transfer assets without a full Success procedure.

  • Deciding What Assets May Be Involved – Not all assets are considered part of the Succession process. More specifically, those types of property that have beneficiary designations. For example, IRAs, 401k(s), life insurance policies, and annuities can pass to the chosen beneficiary without having to go through the court proceedings.
  • Gathering Appropriate Information for Your Attorney – There are a few items you will need to pull together before you meet with your lawyer. They include:
    • Names and addresses of all heirs and creditors
    • Full list of all assets owned by the deceased, including real estate, investment accounts, bank statements, and vehicle and boat titles
    • Complete list of debts such as the mortgage, credit card balances, car notes, and any other obligations
    • The original signed Last Will and Testament to be filed at the courthouse

Work with an Experienced Succession Attorney in Shreveport

To avoid making unfortunate mistakes with your deceased family member’s estate, hire an experienced and capable Succession attorney like David L. White. You can rely on his years of experience in Louisiana law and know that he understands the emotions you are going through.

Contact your Shreveport attorney to find out more about handling your deceased loved one’s Succession. Call us today at 318-747-7023.

How to Prepare to Meet with Your Criminal Defense Attorney

– Tips from an Experienced Bossier City Law Firm

Sometimes circumstances are unfortunate, and you may find yourself in a tough situation. If you have been arrested for a felony or misdemeanor, things can get pretty scary. The legal system itself is intimidating. One of the many decisions you will be faced with is choosing your legal defense. If the court does not appoint one for you, you will need to hire an experienced lawyer capable of defending your rights and helping you through the process.

If you are the one accused or charged, seek out a competent criminal defense attorney like David L. White. His high success rate is a result of years of experience in the Louisiana criminal justice system. He fights for you and defends your rights so you and your family can have a second chance at life.

4 Suggestions to Prepare for Initial Consult with Your Criminal Defense Lawyer

During this nerve-wracking time, your stress and tension levels will be high. To aid you in discussing your case with your attorney, take a moment to slow down and use these tips to prepare for your first meeting:

  1. Make a list of everything that happened. Open, honest communication is not an option; it’s critical. Be prepared to share all aspects of your case, including facts that may not reflect well on you. Avoid hiding your criminal history if you have one. Let them know about any statements you made to the police and if you confessed to the crime or admitted to incriminating details. Reveal your relationship to the victim, if there is a connection.
  2. Think about any witnesses your attorney can interview. Having an alibi helps and having witnesses that can aid your case is even better. Remember, if you are out on bail, leave it to your lawyer to contact people and gather evidence. The last thing you want is to be accused of tampering with witnesses or evidence.
  3. Write down a list of questions. You should feel free to ask questions and understand what is going on with your case at all times. A good lawyer will explain the government’s evidence against you and what their strategy for defense will be.
  4. Be ready to pay any upfront fees. Some attorneys require a flat fee to be paid. If payment arrangements can be made, ensure you make them on a timely basis.

Hire a Bossier City Criminal Defense Attorney Who Aggressively Fights for You

Ensure you have the best legal representation when you hire David L. White. His years of experience in criminal defense means you can rest assured that you are working with an attorney who can help with your case. We analyze and prepare for each case as if it is going to trial. We will do what’s right for you and your family.

Contact your Bossier City criminal defense attorney to find out more about how we can help you. Call us today at 318-747-7023.

Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney, and a Living Will – What’s the Difference?

– Useful Information from an Experienced Bossier City Law Firm

Everyone needs to have a plan in place should they become incapacitated or when they die. For most people, the first thought that comes to mind is the last will. This tool does establish your wishes after death, but other documents can aid you when medical decisions are needed and you cannot speak for yourself. They include a power of attorney and a living will.

Knowing what can help you in your time of need may be confusing. Not having your wishes drawn out for others can lead to frustration and potentially, family strife. However, when you line out specific requirements if you become incapacitated, you can ease your family’s burden and avoid conflict. Working with an experienced Bossier City law firm can make the process simpler so you can keep on living your life fully.

Learn the Differences of POAs, Durable POAs, and Living Wills

Once you understand the differences between these documents and the power they hold, you can make better decisions for your future and your estate. Use this guide to become familiar and then head to your trusted attorney for advice and guidance:

  • A power of attorney gives your designated person the ability to act on your behalf. In general, your agent, or attorney-in-fact, may make decisions about your financial affairs, buying insurance, operating your business, and even making gifts. This tool helps if you will be out of the country or out of state for an extended period of time.
  • Special POAs can be used instead and give specific powers to your attorney-in-fact. For example, you may want your son to handle the sale of your home because you cannot make the closing. Other ordinary matters used for specific POAs include collecting debts or managing real estate.
  • A durable power of attorney steps in if you become mentally incompetent. A durable power of attorney designates a trusted person to make health care decisions for you. You may even have a durable POA for financial choices as well. It only applies if you lose the ability to make choices through illness or an accident.
  • A living will establishes directions for end-of-life care. While this will not appoint someone to make your health care decisions for you, it will address your medical wishes. For example, it covers your choices on artificial respiration, withholding nutrition or hydration, and any pain medications. It can even spell out if you want to live your final days at home or in the hospital.

Make Your Estate Plan with the help of a Bossier City Law Firm

Ensure your wishes are carried out both in death and if you become incapacitated, when you establish a comprehensive estate plan. To understand which tools are the best choice for you, talk to an attorney with many years of experience. David L. White knows the Louisiana legal system and is available to assist you in laying the foundations for effective estate planning.

Contact your Louisiana lawyer to find out more about obtaining a power of attorney, durable power of attorney, and a living will for you and your family members. Call us today at 318-747-7023.